Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Reflection #1: Media Literacy

Throughout my student teaching, I struggled with technology (particularly cell phones) and how I feel about it. 

Here is what I found: I think that digital media is essential, and as teachers, we have to integrate technology into the classroom. I just need to figure out how to engage my students more than their cell phones, and that seems nearly impossible at times.

My students were constantly on their phones. They were playing different apps while I was lecturing, or sending snapchats in the middle of class time. I mean, literally, sending snapchats. One of my juniors asked if she could take a "selfie," because the lighting was "perfect" and she wanted to add it to her story. Ughh. I know at times, I became very bitter towards cell phones and technology.

Although I love technology, I also really believe it can take away some of those important social interactions we need in the classroom and is making students more detached from one another. 

Sometimes it felt like my students just didn't know how to have a conversation with their peers. I know in the documentary we watched, Digital Nation, they argued the opposite... and it is true! We are more connected to people than we ever have been. I can FaceTime my best friend in Australia and catch up with her for hours. That is AMAZING! But, I believe students prefer to connect with their friends over social media than they do with the person sitting next to them.

In the end, this is me:

I think what I am realizing more and more is that there has to be a balance. Technology is not going away, and our students need to be media literate. As teachers, it is our job to prepare our students for the future––and I want to make sure I give them every tool possible to be successful. However, for myself, I think I will always love technology... but I'll probably love a lot of things a whole lot more.

1. Before these experiences how would you have defined media literacy and how 
has your understanding begun to change, develop, and/or deepen? 

Before exploring how media literacy is defined, I would have assumed it dealt only with social media platforms and our ability to use them. Media literacy is "the foundation of traditional literacy and offers new forms of reading and writing. Media literacy empowers people to be critical thinkers and makers, effective communicators and active citizens," (NAMLE.net). 

This really changed my understanding, and probably the way I view this class now. I believe there are so many platforms out there that can really enhance and engage my students to become better readers, writers, and critical thinkers. By combining technology with traditional forms of media, my hope is that students will start to use technology for good.... and not just for texting. 

2. What is the state of our “Digital Nation” and how do you feel about it? 

I talked about this a little above, but I think our "digital nation" is consumed and flooded by technology to an unhealthy point. I believe we are so attached and connected that we become almost desensitized to people around us. What I think is even more scary, or sad... or just beginning to happen... is that we begin comparing ourselves to people. We are constantly wanting the next thing. You get on Facebook and all of your friends are engaged, or having kids, or buying a house, or getting a new car, or traveling the world and you're like HOW CAN YOU AFFORD THAT (thats what I yell in my head anyway). And you find yourself wanting that life, a different life.  I know that social media makes everyones life look more exciting and glamorous. But kids don't understand that. In reality, life is what happens in between the instagram posts. The hurting, the pain, the real joy––the things and feelings that can't always be experienced in a status update. I think it makes us less excited for those friends who get engaged, or sympathetic to those friends who lost a parent to a serious illness. Sometimes, we just scroll on without a second thought.

I think that, again, there just needs to be that balance between using technology and even social media. I know we need technology, and I know how valuable it is. Yet, I don't want my life to be consumed by it. I don't want to be tethered to my phone. I want to use technology in a way that is healthy and can help me grow and learn. Hopefully, I will be able to transfer those same feelings to my students.

3. (Pose your own third question to yourself based on your research and respond to 
it—this is the heart of metacognition). 

I am more caught up with how social media and cell phones can be harmful, or just the "damage" that technology can cause, however; I believe there is SO much more to technology than Facebook and instagram. I believe there is so much we can use and do with technology. My question is:

How can technology be used in a secondary ELA class to enhance reading, writing, and critical thinking skills?

I could research this for hours. Here are a couple of cool things I found in my short research:

Students could watch this video and then work in small groups to come up with a campaign for change using social media. They would write a short reflective essay afterwards to discuss what they learned and their own thoughts on social media.

This article had a lot of really cool suggestions that went beyond just traditional essay writing, which I think could be great for students, especially those who struggle with writing. I really like the idea of having students doing an autobiography in a video format. You could have them write a script too!

I also liked this article too. The only thing I did not like is that not all students have continuous access to a computer, and I felt like they made it sound like they do. There were some cool platforms on here that  I would be interested in trying, like Animoto (your students can make short videos for presentations).

I feel like based on what we have learned so far this year (in many of our courses in the MIT, and within my student teaching) I know and recognize there is so much out there for me to continually pull technology into my classroom in a healthy and engaging way. I DO love technology, and my goal is to show students there is a time and place for it, and that it is more important for them to rely on their brains than their phones... but it doesn't hurt to use their resources. Everything in moderation. The articles I read and some of the cool sites I found would help my students continue practicing their reading, writing, and critical thinking skills while also becoming more media literate. 

Signing off now,



  1. Wow. Your post has so much heart and feeling. I is so clear that you want to do the right thing by your kids and feel there is an answer to solving this problem. I especially liked your video. I had never seen this TED talk and knew very little about the event. To hear the different sides of how social media helped this man and his country, but also was a burden was impacting. I think your sentiment of "balance" is essential and you explained your thinking well. I agree with you. We do need balance, and in all things, including digital media. Thank you Christine for your wonderful words. They really helped me see that I should be more open minded to finding balance. Sometimes I get so frustrated with the common problems of technology I just shut down and focus on the negative.

    1. Thanks Jane!! I think it will be an interesting process trying to figure out that balance. I do think it is easy to get caught up with the negatives of technology, but I see so many benefits too. I think about what Michelle said in her blog and how we need to be teaching our kids to use technology in a healthy and constructive way.

  2. I really like your blog! It looks great! I definitely identified with a lot of what you were saying about the cell phones in class. It's hard to strike a balance. This is especially hard when we are guests in someone's classroom, and either we aren't sure what administration wants or they are lenient. It is also hard to strike a balance between technology and no technology. There are some times when I am so happy to go to a remote area to get away from all the buzz, but then I immediately find myself checking my phone the second I am back in service. It's like we are connected to the world non stop, and that is the expectation. It is really hard to strike a balance!

    1. Yes!! That was a huge issue for me this year. And I agree! I am definitely working on figuring that out myself. Maybe I need to detox?! Haha

  3. We do have a lot of similar ideas, great minds and all that...;)
    Anyway, I love the idea of pairing social media with social justice, it just makes so much sense. I also like pairing social media with literature to enhance their understanding of characterization, plot, setting... all that you know. Another discussion point with social media that I think it interesting when discussing history, which I know you are so creative at how you incorporate culture and history into your ELA lessons, to have them create discussion posts based on assigned POVs. Then to analyze how things would have been different with increased communication, etc. To your point about desensitization, I think the more we can do to bring in a human element and to build empathy is crucial to studying people in an ELA or SS classroom. I wonder, what are other ways we can use technology to build emotion or human connection to counteract the desensitization and comparison that we (myself included) fall into?

    1. OH! I love that idea about discussion posts! And I totally agree about how we need to bring in that human element to show our students empathy. Maybe we can encourage them to research different events that are happening around them using the internet, and write a discussion post about it with their peers!? Thanks for the great thoughts!!

  4. I really like what you said about Facebook and perceptions. I completely agree and I am ready for the fad to be over with. Will Facebook ever get boring? What will takes its place?

    I don't know if this is a good question, but your blog made me think about trends and social media. We are learning how to incorporate technology and social media, but do you think it will ever be "not cool" to be so connected? Will our youth go through a phase were they disconnect? If so, will technology and media literacy be affected by this regression?
