Thursday, June 30, 2016

Reflection #3: Web 2.0 Teaching AND Planning Tool

Hey guys!

For this reflection post, I wanted to focus on edModo as a teaching/planning tool. I think a tool like this can absolutely used for both teaching and planning. I know some of are probably familiar with this website, because we used it in Aaron's Culture of Middle School Class. But, we used it as students. I wanted to look at it from the prospective of a teacher (now that I am one!). Here is the link to the site:

To get started, I checked out a couple of web tutorials. Here is a quick one to give you an overview of what the website does:

Pretty standard and easy to follow. I'm sure you noticed, like I did, that this website is a lot like Facebook. Actually, that is what drew me to it. I know I've mentioned the trouble I had in my classroom with students and their phones. Well, if you can't beat them--why not join them!? I feel like edmodo would be a really great resource to keep in touch with students outside of class time, answer their questions, keep them engaged, and build community and healthy relationships between the students and even myself. Plus, students can "like" your posts like they would on facebook... pretty neat!

I really loved that I could write my students quick reminders, like to remeber when their essays are due. I also can post a poll. I could do an exit class this way after class to see where students understanding of the lesson is at, but I need to explore that a little more (hard without "real" students).

Finally, I really liked that I could upload all of the material I had for a unit (or beyond that) to keep safe or access quickly. I can share these files with students (if they lost a handout, they still could see it) or link it to the calendar so they know what I am referring to when I tell them such-and-such assignment is due. 

On the SAMR scale, I believe edmodo would be an M. There is some pretty significant task redesign. I can post assignments, quizzes, and even polls directly on our page and have students comment or message me with questions, as well as take and submit the assignment back to me. As far as planning, there is both an online calendar that I can plug in what we're doing for the week or month, and students can look ahead or back. I can also upload all of my material for a unit onto the site, or just material than can help me plan out the unit.

Ease of use: * * * * * (5 stars)

This website was SUPER easy to use, because it is SO much like Facebook. I don't think anyone would have a problem figuring out how to get around it. Plus, there were a ton of tutorials on youtube to watch if you do get stuck.

Versatility: * * * * (4 stars)

I felt that this tool could be used for so many things; even just a place where students can ask their peers a question. I believe this works as both a teaching and planning tool, and a communication tool as well. I like that students can access material quickly and easily, as well as get a hold of me. I think its fun and easy, and that's what students like. 

Liklihood of using it in my classroom: * * * * * (5 stars)

I absolutely plan to incorporate this tool into my someday classroom. I love how easy it is to use, and that the interface is so friendly. I really believe kids would enjoy using it because it looks so much like Facebook. Students can check it on their phones, and quickly ask for questions or submit assignments. I love it! And I hope you will too :)

Peace out!



  1. I really like the points you brought up for Edmodo. Using it as a student, I wasn't overly impressed with it, but it looks like there are some cool things we can do with it as teachers. The problem I had with it as a student was that we had other medias to check, and I kept forgetting about Edmodo. Plus we only used it for a few weeks. It looks like it has some cool tools that would be worth exploring as a teacher, especially I we are committing to use it all year.

    I like that it is another format to use for Exit Tasks, and that you can do surveys and discussions on the site. It seems pretty versatile.

  2. I totally agree, McKinzie! I think as a student, I wasn't super impressed because we were also having to go to canvas––I think using one tool like Edmodo to communicate with your students, as well as plan and teach with would make your life a heck of a lot easier. Hope you found something helpful from this!

  3. Christine,

    What does it look like when you sync up your Google Drive to Edmodo? This was my biggest concern with Schoology and what I talked about in my blog post.

    1. Good question! I didn't explore that... mostly because I am a noob when it comes to google drive. I'll keep you posted and see what I find out :)

  4. I don't know where my posts went. I posted a long time ago. I am so frustrated right now. Ok, here goes again. I liked Edmodo as a student. I found it really user friendly. I also like that it is structured similarly to facebook, which probably improves student intrinsic motivation to use it. I love the communication aspect, especially because I think it is a easy way to communicate outside of school.
